ListenDownloadMar 26, 2023"What Kind of Church Member Am I? Part 2" 3 John 9-14 // Dr. Larry LeBlancPassage: 3 John 1:9-14 | Category: 2 & 3 John
ListenDownloadMar 22, 2023"Cultural Christianity Part II" Matthew 13:18-23 // Dr. Larry LeBlancPassage: Matthew 13:18-23 | Category: Wednesday Night Bible Study
ListenDownloadWatchMar 19, 2023"What Kind of Church Member Am I? Part One" 3 John 1-8 \ Dr. Larry LeBlancPassage: 3 John 1:1-8 | Category: 2 & 3 John
ListenDownloadWatchMar 12, 2023"Guardians of the Trust" 2 John 7-13 // Dr. Larry LeBlancPassage: 2 John 1:7-13 | Category: 2 & 3 John
ListenDownloadMar 08, 2023"Cultural Christianity Part I" Matthew 7:21-23 // Dr. Larry LeBlancPassage: Matthew 7:21-23 | Category: Wednesday Night Bible Study