Complete the Ministry Interest Survey.
Please place a check beside the ministry or ministries that interest you.
Sunday School Teachers
Sprouts Volunteers
Choir Teachers
Mission Organization Teachers
Choir Leaders
Mission Organization Leaders
VBS Teachers/Helpers
Bible Drill Leaders
Camp Leaders
Sunday School Leaders
DiscipleNow Hosts/Co-hosts
Event Chaperones
Camp Chaperones
College Bible Study Host Home
Prayer Coordinator
Fellowship Coordinator
Missions/Ministry Coordinator
MIA Coordinator
Connection Coordinator
Choir Members
Sound Tech Crew
Light Tech Crew
Computer Tech Crew
Camera Operator
Monthly meal delivery to senior adults
Cooks for 55+
Drivers for 55+ Events
Greeter Ministry
Golf Cart Drivers
Welcome Center Staff
Pew Information Maintenance
Security Ministry Team
Offering Ushers
Cross guards for Wednesdays and Sundays
Wednesday Fellowship Meal Ministry
Please describe your gifts, talents, and/or experiences that you think God has called you to use to further His Kingdom.
Leading everyday people to love Jesus and make Him known. Worship - Community - Service
Leading everyday people to love Jesus and make Him known.
Worship - Community - Service